Reviews, Running

Therafit Shoes Review and Giveaway

A few weeks ago I received a beautiful package from my friends at Therafit Shoes. Inside the package was my pair of Pink Deborah Shoes.

Therafit shoes were created by Dr Lisa from the TV show the Doctors… you know, the one with Travis from the Bachelor? Right. That one. I’m always on the search for a good pair of shoes. My activities vary from day to day, so having a pair of shoes that can adapt to my active, on the go lifestyle is necessary. I ordered these in an 8.5, which is my regular size in most shoes. They were a little tighter than other shoes, but still fit well. If you are going to order a pair and don’t like your toes being tight to the toe box I would recommend ordering a half size up. The first thing I did when I got them was put them on, I was actually heading out to the grocery store so I figured it would be a great way to break them in.

The first thing I noticed when I put them on was how incredibly cushioned they were. It literally felt like I was walking on marshmallows! I spent about 2 hours walking around the grocery store and had no foot pain or discomfort at all. These shoes are actually endorsed by the National Posture Institute, so you know they are good for your feet and your back. They sometimes call these the 12 Hour Shoe, because you can wear them for your long 12 hour days without discomfort. Luckily, I don’t have very many days when I have to be on my feet for 12 hours straight… but if I did I’m sure these would help! One of the reasons I loved them was because of what they call personal comfort adaptors. These are small circular inserts that go in the heel of the shoe. You can take them out or leave them in depending on the level of stability you’re looking for. I showed how they work in my video here.

I wore my therafit shoes on early morning runs…

late night runs…

I wore them on a casual family outing…

and even during my 5k PR this past weekend!


After a few weeks of regular use I have to say I really am a fan of these shoes. I love that they are bright and fun! They are also supportive, but still light. I can’t say enough great things about these shoes for women. Whether you are a walker, runner, or just want a good shoe for casual wear Therafit has something for you.

and guess what…

YOU get the opportunity to win a pair of Therafit shoes of your own!! Just in time for Christmas!

And you know what else I love about Therafit? They give a portion of each of their sales to charity. If you use the code TherafitCN you can get $5 off your purchase and $5 will be donated to Living Water International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Join FitFluential and Therafit for a Twitter chat on 12/12/12 at 12 PM EST! Therafit will be giving away a pair of shoes to one participant!

How do you Therafit?

Disclosure: FitFluential LLC Compensated me for this campaign. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

69 thoughts on “Therafit Shoes Review and Giveaway”

  1. Gotta go with Red so festive for Christmas and bright and pretty too! Everyone will be able to pick me out at the gym! 🙂


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