
Weekly Workout Recap

Good Morning!!

It’s been a whirlwind of a weekend! We were up at 3:50am – We spent the day traveling… From St Louis –> DFW —> Tampa via Plane… Then picked up the rental car, drove another hour plus to meet up with my parents at the hotel, dropped off the kiddo, drove to Little Everglades Ranch and met up with the Pretty Muddy Team. The bloggers arrived and we got a tour of the course, went out for dinner and conversation at Kafe Kokopelli in Dade City. Saturday was Pretty Muddy Tampa!! I had such a great time meeting some of the bloggers I’ve been following for years, and some of the newer bloggers I’ve just recently started stalking following. The event itself was wonderful! I’ll have a full write up this week, as well as a round up of links from all our bloggers recaps!

In the meantime, here is a quick recap of my workouts from last week. It was a crazy week getting ready to fly out to Florida, but I still got some great workouts!

Monday- CrossFit

This is when I hit my first handstand!

Back squat 5-3-1
AMRAP in 15 of:
15 plate huggar squats 45/35
10 plyo pushups
15 DUs
Post WOD

CrossFit Handstand Push-Up

Tuesday- CrossFit

This was a tough one for me. I wrote about being faster vs being stronger last week. Lesson learned, and I feel stronger for it!

Clean and jerk 4 x 3
5 hang squat cleans 135/95
20 Wallball 20/14
4 hang squat cleans
20 Wallball
3 hang squat cleans
20 Wallball
2 hang squat cleans
20 Wallball
1 hang squat clean
20 Wallball
Post WOD
50 T2B

Sweat to Street

Wednesday – CrossFit

Strict press 5,3,1
150 KB swings AHAP
Do a 3 burpee penalty for each rest.

I also practiced rope climbs after this WOD… Any tips on those?!

Thursday – CrossFit

PR!!! Last time I did Jackie I did it in 11:50… I did it in 11:17 this time! I think I gained a lot of ground in my row, but I still need to work on my thrusters/pull ups.

Snatch 4 x 3


Friday – Rest/Travel Day
Pretty Muddy Tampa was Pretty Epic.
Full Recap to come.

Sunday – Rest Day
Lots of time with the Family, reconnecting with the Hubs, and getting settled in to our condo for the week.
I realized I have forgotten about #plankaday for the last few days when I got called out by @theplankpolice on twitter! Oops! Back at it today. Also getting back on my thankful thoughts for the month. Man, traveling throws me off!!
How was your weekend? How were your workouts this week?!

Thankful Thoughts
8. I’m thankful for my family, close and far.
9. Thankful for another day of living. Life goes by too fast. Some people gone too soon. RIP Bubba
10. Thankful for a beautiful view from our rental condo this week
11. Thankful to be able to work with Pretty Muddy, an amazing group of people!
12. Thankful for everything my husband does that I may take for granted.

20 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Recap”

  1. Love this recap of your week! 11:17 for Jackie is awesome!!! I am still working on the rope climbs myself, but one thing I’ve been told is to really use your legs as much as you can. They are naturally stronger than your arms, so don’t make your arms do all the work!

    Good luck girl – keep up the great WODs!


    1. Thanks Meghan! I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to wrap the rope around my leg to use the leg strength. My biggest fear isn’t getting up… it’s getting down! LOL


  2. So much going on here!

    You did AMAZING on Jackie!! I had to five rounds of 500m rows/thrusters and thought I was going to pass out after rowing so much.. ugh.. I don’t know if I’d be able to finish that one like you did!

    And AWESOME handstand!!

    So exciting to see all your strength gains and WOD improvements!!


    1. I could barely hold on to the bar for the pull ups, the last few were ugly. Rowing is where I made some bit improvements. Long and strong!! I am loving feeling stronger every week!!


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