Coffee Date, workouts

Coffee Date Friday

What up peeps? IT’S FRIDAY! So, Today I had a 5am class to coach. I kinda chuckled this morning going to open up shop at the CrossFit. Man, when I was in high school I literally made every excuse possible to get out of gym class. And most days it worked! I remember having to run the mile in middle school and being pissed about it the whole time. I was the least likely candidate to do anything in the fitness field. The last few years have changed that. They have changed me. I never thought I would get up around 4am to work out, let alone get up that early to COACH a class!


And yet here I am. And loving it. Funny how things don’t turn out quite like you planned. In my case, they turned out better than I planned!

In between the 5am and 7am classes I had a bit of downtime so I decided today’s coffee date vlog would be shot live from CrossFit 70. I know I haven’t posted too much about it since I made the announcement we were opening, but I plan on telling you guys about the road we walked to get where we are today! As soon as I have enough time to sit down and write it out. ha. Anyway- Enjoy today’s Coffee Date!

Your turn- If we were having coffee what would you tell me?
Did your life turned out like you planned? Or maybe better?

linking up with alissa.

10 thoughts on “Coffee Date Friday”

  1. I am so excited to have found your blog. You rock! I am so inspired by you and all of your progress. My life has not really gone the way I planned…I live in a small town (would have never thought that) am the mom of 2 boys (didn’t think I would be able to have kids) and am trying to become a healthier version of me (never thought I would care). So life is not what I expected, but SO MUCH BETTER!!! Wish I could afford to come crossfit with ya..but not in the budget (unless I win/won powerball/megamillions). Have a great weekend!


    1. I’m so glad you found it too! How’d you find me? Funny how life doesn’t go the way we plan and it’s usually better that way lol. It can be expensive, but you can still do some of the stuff on your own. Little changes add up to big progress!


      1. Found you via Fit and Free with Emily on fb. Love her!! I recently went to a cross-fit class with a friend. It was great but I don’t think I am anywhere close to that level at this point! lol But I am working on it! Love your blog…loyal new follower here…maybe I will come see you eventully…I am only about 20 minutes south of u!


  2. Your box looks great! (Ha! If someone wasn’t familiar with CrossFit terminology, they may question that comment…)

    I am definitely in a season of change.

    I recently moved from my hometown in Illinois to California, where the only person I knew was my husband. I left my family, friends, and a job that I loved. Also, I left my CrossFit box that I had watched grow from a few friends in a garage into a full fledged affiliate.

    It’s tough, but I’m hanging in there. I found a job relatively quickly. I’m meeting new people, and now that I’m bringing in a paycheck, I’m able to afford a CrossFit membership.

    It’s difficult not to compare my life in Illinois to my life here in California. Everything in Illinois seems better, except for the fact that my husband is here. I try not to look at it as a better/worse situation, but rather just a different situation. Finding that point of view isn’t always easy!

    Change leads to growth, and I’m just trying to remember that this experience is helping me to grow as a person.

    I don’t know if any of that made sense, but based on the length of this comment, I must have needed to vent!


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